Friday, March 12, 2010

Oratio Imperata Ad Petendam Pluviam

Mandated Intercessory Prayer to Implore for Rain

God our loving Father, creator of our earth and of the universe, and all the wondrous elements of nature that sustain your living creatures, we humbly ask you to send us the rain that our country needs so badly at this time, to irrigate our fields, to stave off a power shortage, to provide water for our bodily health, and to refresh our parched lands. At your command the wind and the seas obey, raise your hand Almighty God to send us so that crisis may be averted.

Merciful and generous God, open our eyes to the richness and beauty of your creation and instill in us a deep love for this earth and all that is in and around it. Teach us to be wise stewards of your creation so that we may always use them responsibly and protect them from abuse and exploitation. At this time of crisis, dear Lord, move us to share more and to love more.

Loving God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you entrusted the Filipino people to the special care of Mary our Mother, listen to the prayers that we bring up to her, our Blessed Mother, to intercede for us, for the protection of our land and our people, whom she loves.

Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

Saint Rose of Lima, pray for us.

Saint Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.

Prayer of the Faithful - Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord


Through the faithful obedience of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
God takes flesh among us.
The mystery of the Incarnation calls us to our loving Father
through the Incarnate Son.

Confiding our needs to God through her maternal intercession
let us pray with trust and faith, as we say:

R. Lord, hear our prayer.

1. You sent Gabriel to announce to Mary your message of salvation.
May your holy Church proclaim to the whole world
the joy of liberty and your gift of true peace. Let us pray to the Lord. (R.)

2. You prepared the womb of Mary to become a worthy dwelling for your Son.
As we approach our national elections, ready the hearts of our people to work for change and renewal. Let us pray to the Lord. (R.)

3. You enabled Mary to respond to your call with joy and freedom.
Grant us an increase of priestly and religious vocations,
especially to the Society of Jesus. Let us pray to the Lord. (R.)

4. You call all men and women to partake in your saving work.
Refresh and confirm Fr. Junjun, as he renews today
his commitment to your service. Let us pray to the Lord. (R.)

5. You give your people joy with this holy feast
By sharing in this Eucharist, make us truly your servants,
ready and willing to fulfill your word. Let us pray to the Lord. (R.)

God of mercy, beholding the world with tender love, you sent your Son into the world, welcomed by Mary’s joyful yes. Teach us to follow them in obedience to you so that one in their harmony of trusting faith we may enflesh your love for our broken world. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

R. Amen.

Penitential Celebration for Seminarians

In this season of Lent, let us return to the Lord with all our hearts and renew our commitment to follow Him as our one and only Master.

You may download the file here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Prayers to Saint Joseph

As we begin this year's novena for the feast of Saint Joseph, it may be well for us to include some of these prayers for seminarians and for the seminary, especially for San Jose Seminary which delights to be under his glorious patronage.

A Prayer to Saint Joseph for our Seminarians

O dear Saint Joseph,

to whose care the Father entrusted

the growth of his only-begotten Son,

we also commend our seminarians to you

that they may learn from your example

and enjoy your gracious protection and assistance.

You followed the angel’s command without hesitation

and took Mary and Jesus into your home.

Help them to respond to God’s invitation with confidence

to care for his people and to be foster-fathers to his family.

With great openess to the will of God,

you always went as you were instructed,

braving all difficulties and challenges

out of love for Jesus and Mary.

Guide our seminarians in their formation

that they may open their hearts with trust in God’s plan,

discerning with care the path he wishes them to take

and following his inspirations with generosity and love.

With fatherly love, you brought up Jesus,

showing him by the simplicity of your life,

given entirely to God and to his family,

the joy of obedience to the Father’s call.

Inspire our seminarians to embrace their vocation

with gladness, magnanimity and sincerity

and to grow in it with humility and gratitude.

You are the formator of the Formator of all disciples,

take also into your home with Mary,

those whom your Son has called to his side,

so that under your paternal care and counsel as He once was,

they may also grow in virtue and wisdom, holiness and service.

O patron and protector of the Universal Church,

obtain from us from your dear foster son,

vocations according to the Father’s will

and persons eager to accept them

with hearts like yours and His. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Joseph for the Financial Stability of the Seminary


Dear Saint Joseph,

whom God himself appointed

as Head and provider of his earthly family,

we beg for your intercession

that being the patron of this seminary,

you may also be our chief benefactor

in all spiritual as well as material needs.

Obtain for us from God

a steady flow of priestly vocations

and adequate means to nurture them.

As a diligent provider and wise administrator,

you sheltered and raised Jesus

in a simple but stable home,

pray for us always so that our seminary may be sustained

in her financial and material needs

by the goodness and generosity of its benefactors

and the prudent care of its administrators,

who likewise shelter and raise Christ’s ministers today.

Help seminarians as well

to use the resources of the seminary,

wisely, responsibly and gratefully.

Heeding the voice of the Scriptures, which tells us


we turn to your in our need.

Listen to this prayer we raise to your with trust

and graciously commend it to Christ, our Lord. Amen.