A Simple Rite of Missioning

When it is allowed, the Mass for the Evangelization of Peoples may be used.
The BEC members are instructed to sit together before the beginning of the liturgy.
After the Post-Communion Prayer, the Missioning Rite is celebrated. All remain standing.
The Presider addresses the assembly in these or similar words.
The Father sent Jesus into the world,
anointed by the Spirit,
to reveal by his preaching and life,
by his dying and his rising,
the depths of God’s saving love.
In turn, Jesus sent his disciples,
empowered by the Spirit,
to go out and proclaim the Good News,
to spread the Word and serve the poor,
so that all may come to know the love of God.
Let us pray to the Father of Jesus
that he may send us his Spirit as we begin our apostolate.
May the breathe of the Spirit give us vigor.
May the wind of the Spirit show us the way.
May fire of the Spirit burn in our hearts.
A pause for silent prayer follows. Afterwards, a Hymn to the Holy Spirit may be sung.
1. Veni, creator Spiritus
mentes tuorum visita,
imple superna gratia,
quae tu creasti pectora.
2. Qui diceris Paraclitus,
altissimi donum Dei,
fons vivus, ignis, caritas
et spiritalis unctio.
3. Tu septiformis munere,
digitus paternae dexterae
tu rite promissum Patris
sermone ditans guttura.
4. Accende lumen sensibus,
infunde amorem cordibus,
infirma nostri corporis,
virtute firmans perpeti.
5. Hostem repellas longius
pacemque dones protinus;
ductore sic te praevio
vitemus omne noxium.
6. Per te sciamus da Patrem
noscamus atque Filium,
te utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore.
7. Deo Patri sit gloria,
et Filio qui a mortuis
Surrexit, ac Paraclito,
in saeculorum saecula. Amen.
The BEC Kaabags and Animators stand before the sanctuary. The Presider gives to each kaabag a lighted candle.
You are the light of the world.
In baptism, Christ freed you from darkness,
go and share his light to those in need.
Each one responds:
The Presider then gives to each animator a pinch of salt.
You are the salt of the earth,
go with the power of the Risen Christ,
to transform the earth and renew it.
Each one responds:
Then he goes around to sprinkle the assembly with blessed water.
The Lord be with you.
R. And also with you.
He invites the assembly to incline their heads to received God’s blessing.
Bow your heads and pray for God’s blessing.
V. May almighty God bless you in his mercy,
and make you always aware of his saving wisdom.
R. Amen.
V. May he strengthen your faith with proofs of his love
So that you will persevere in good works.
R. Amen.
V. May he direct your steps to himself,
And show you how to walk in charity and peace.
R. Amen.
May almighty God bless you,
the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.
R. Amen.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord
in your neighbor.
R. Thanks be to God.
As an RCIA sponsor (and Godfather in Baptisim) I will accompany my neophyte to the Rite of Missioning on May 3, 2009.
I've searched the Web for a source of the "Rite" in order to be prepared, and this is the sole place that Google's search engine could find it!
Thank you and may God bless your work abundantly!
Bill Laudeman
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
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