Saint Francis Xavier
Feast of Saint Francis Xavier
Jubilee Year of the First Companions 2005-2006
Beloved brethren,
let us pray to our Father in heaven,
on this feast of Saint Francis Xavier,
calling out to him
with joy and confidence:
Father, place us with your Son.
1. For the Holy Church,
that she may always share in God’s vision of the world
and participate in the mission of Christ
to bring people closer to fullness of life here on earth
and fullness of life in heaven with God.
Let us pray to the Lord.
2. For our nation,
that in this time of despair and disillusionment among our people,
we may find constant hope in the assurance of the Risen Lord
and work with passion to build a just and peaceful society,
proclaiming good news to the poor.
Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For our Jesuit faculty,
that following the spirit of the holy founders,
they may care for vocations with loving concern,
and build up the community with gentle care,
forming us in a school of true Communion and Companionship.
Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For those afflicted by terrible scourges,
those brought about by nature
and those invited by the greed of man,
that the Lord may lead all to conversion
and to work together for the rebuilding of our land.
Let us pray to the Lord.
5. For one another,
that as we celebrate this Jubilee of the First Companions,
we may receive from the Lord the gifts of Ignatius, Francis and Peter:
sharing God’s vision, doing God’s work with passion,
and accompanying one another with a caring spirit.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Loving Father,
Giver of the Spirit,
enkindle in our hearts
the fire which burned
in the hearts of Ignatius, Francis and Peter.
Let this fire illumine our eyes
that we may see the vision of your glory.
Let this fire blaze in our hearts
that we may proclaim you with zeal and generosity.
Let this fire warm our breasts
that we may comfort and strengthen one another
on our pilgrim way.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus the Lord.
R. Amen.
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