Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
Perhaps it is the modern stress on independence. We are already so comfortable and secure in our lives that we no longer feel the need for guidance and protection. The things we have created do these things for us nowadays. We have gadgets to remind us of things we want to be reminded of, appliances that make our living spaces familiar and comfortable beyond anxiety and discomfort. The recent loss of power supply in many of our homes in the wake of the strong typhoon that hit our country showed us this fact. Suddenly, we saw again our vulnerability to nature even in the shelter of our concrete structures. We found ourselves again in darkness-that darkness many of us were afraid of when we were still little children-that fear where we learned to trust in the abiding presence of our guardian angels.
Perhaps we need to be reminded again of these heavenly creatures whom God has created and set to watch over us and keep us. They are perpetual reminders of God's care and providence. They also keep us constantly aware of God's presence in our lives. We are never alone, even during brown-outs. Even during spiritual brown-outs, somebody journeys with us, accompanying us and guiding us in finding our way out of darkness into light.
Perhaps we need to recuperate the spiritual childhood Therese teaches: to learn to depend on God again even as our world today puts great emphasis on gaining our own power. Acknowledging the presence of angels in our lives is acknowledging God's own presence: he who watches over us constantly with love and care. If we befriend them and follow their guidance, even if sometimes they remind us of things we would rather not mind, they will lead us to God.
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God's love,
commits me here.
Ever this day,
be at my side,
to light and guard,
to rule and guide.
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