During Times of Typhoon
During Times of Typhoon
Let us pray to our Father in heaven who never abandons his faithful but rescues us always in all our distress. For every petition, we shall say:
Lord, come to our aid.
1. For the holy Church, that she may be a refuge for all people and a source of help in time of need. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. For our leaders, that they may effectively coordinate our efforts to relieve those in anguish and difficulty. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For the poor and the homeless, that they may find comfort and shelter through the charity of Christ's faithful. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For travelers and all who are caught up in the middle of the storm, that they may safely reach their home. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. For all of us gathered here, that we may trust in the Lord and support one another, especially in these difficult times. Let us pray to the Lord.
source of strength and comfort for your people.
Watch over us always
and keep us under the shadow of your wings
for we put all our trust in you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
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